
5 Signs You've Shifted Timelines (& this is HUGE!)

5 Signs You've Shifted Timelines (& this is HUGE!) 2020 Ascension - (We are NOW shifting timelines!)
Awakening Newsletter -
🔥NEW Online Course! 🔥- "Ascension Body" -

This is a Fitness... & Nutrition program... "designed specifically for Empaths"

Who is this for?

This is for "every day empaths" interested in....

- Having more energy - (even if you've been burnt out for years)

- Building a strong "energy body" - (stop absorbing other people's stuff)

- Increasing physical strength, stamina, and overall health

- Sculpting toned muscles (without bulk) and burning fat

- Strengthening their psychic connection with their higher self (noticeably) — immediately after starting to eat... and train... this exact way, I started "Channeling"

This is NOT for... elite level athletes or professional fitness competitors.

It's for every day empaths (men and women) between the ages of (16 & early 60's)

Who want to tone up... have more energy (physically & psychically)... and stop feeling energetically drained by negative people or places.

I've been working on this program... on and off... for a couple years now!

Some of you may remember me talking about it lol.

Last month however... when this global shut down started sweeping the globe, I felt a strong intuitive pull to finish it up and get it out to the public.

It's such a perfect tool for all of the benefits I listed above but also finding peace and inner stability each day in this difficult times.

I even put in a "workout from home option" - no equipment necessary... so you can get started right away.

Click Here To Lean More -
This video is about...

▶︎ My Other YouTube Channel |


- Victor Oddo

▶︎ Website |

About The Video:

Experiencing a timeline shift is HUGE...

Whenever we are experiencing things like this, it can definitely be scary at times...

I mean think about it...

To leave everything you use to know behind you and step into the unknown and into this new higher frequency timeline?!?

It sounds awesome in theory and it definitely can be VERY rewarding...

However, taking on this life transformation is definitely going to have its ups and downs along the way...

But as you know, that's apart of the journey.

That's apart of the reason WHY on a soul level we have accepted this and are even willing to take on such a task...

Because deep down, we know this is for the best. We know that this shift could not only change our life.

But it will also affect all of those around us. And the frequency of the collective...

So as you embark on this amazing journey and experience this timeline shift...

Remember this...

YES, even those who aren't experiencing this just yet...

You are ALWAYS exactly where you need to be...



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