
April 5th, 2020 - Philippians 2:1-18 - Simply By Not Complaining

April 5th, 2020 - Philippians 2:1-18 - Simply By Not Complaining Philippians 2:1-18
Simply by not Complaining

The immediate context of this passage is the sacrificial death of Christ and the _________________ in which it models for all believers.

Believers are commanded to take the certain and guaranteed reality and promises of our salvation, and _____________ that out in our lives.

Believers are commanded to __________________ our salvation to its intended end, not just admire Christ’s obedience and humility, but emulate it in our own lives, and the overflow of it.

1. In light of our salvation and the humility of Jesus Christ in emptying Himself in order to die in the place of sinners, believers are to do all things without __________________.

Grumbling and complaining spreads _________ about our Father and His character and His promises to His children to the world around us that is watching us.

The truth of God’s promises and presence should be _______________ to squelch any complaining or worry.

Complaining brings into __________________ all of God’s attributes, such as sovereignty, love, loving kindness, presence, faithfulness, etc.

But in the context of Phil. 2, I think grumbling is most offensive because it ____________________ the humility and grace that Christ and His offering ought to bring us.

The gospel is the reality that God ____________________ Jesus in our place, placed our sin on Christ and in return offers us Christ’s righteousness thru faith.

God ___________________ dealt with our sin by offering Christ who was without sin.

When we grasp these realities, we realize quickly that we don’t _______________ more than God has offered, no matter what we face.

Jesus didn’t __________ word while suffering in our place for our sin; no complaining.

2. By not grumbling, believers will ______________________ as lights and so prove ourselves as children of God in the midst of a crooked and broken world.

Our not complaining will _________________ the gospel and our testimony and the glory of our Father.

And yet in suffering we have an __________________ here to shine bright amidst this dark backdrop and bring glory to God and further the gospel by simply not complaining.

May the humility we see in Christ _______________ our lives even now as we do all things without grumbling.


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