
Be Somebody Big or Nobody: The Choice is Your's!!!

Be Somebody Big or Nobody: The Choice is Your's!!! History says Carlyle is the biography of great men. We remember and commemorate the names of heroes whose sole and sacred aim in life was to help, empower and inspire their fellow men.
Longfellow has said that Men are like stars. Only some generate their own light while the rest reflect the brilliance that they receive. Those top achievers work from 5.00 am to 9.00 and thus they work for 16 hours a day. They are like the beacons of life. Their lives are like the lamp posts.
Then next to them are achievers who work from 9.00 am to 5.00. They are called achieves. They work for someone else. Jackma the founder of remarked that you can't get rich as long as you work for others. When you have people working for you, only then you get rich.
But the last category is known as laggards who are no bodies.

Thomas Carlyle,History is the biography of great men,Men are like stars,Jackma,,Somebody,Top achievers,Achievers,Laggards,Asad tahir jappa,Be Somebody Big or Nobody,The Choice is Your's,classify yourself,

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