
Celebrities I Deeply Distrust and Why

Celebrities I Deeply Distrust and Why New camera? New light? Actual effort put into editing? Who is she? Don’t worry I’m not changing my name again. It’s still Mia Hay. Scared you didn’t I? You thought I was gonna try and call myself Mia Jay or some shit didn’t you. HA.

Yes I know the focus was a bit off for the first few minutes, I’m learning.

AmandaTheJedi’s Gwyneth Paltrow Videos:


Wow you actually cared enough to read this? I’m blushing. If you’re new here, here’s the short version: I’m a maritimer studying theatre in Toronto while writing a novel and also dreaming of becoming an astronaut. Nothing about me makes sense, have fun trying to figure it out and if you do, let me know. I am incredibly lost.






Regular content on Mondays, nerdy content on Fridays.

jared leto,zac efron,jonah hill,gwyneth paltrow,celebrity gossip,andrew garfield,

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