
Coronavirus and Ram Bomjon, his plan to overtake the world by 'Maitri Dharma' and my advise and hope

Coronavirus and Ram Bomjon, his plan to overtake the world by 'Maitri Dharma' and my advise and hope #coronavirus #COVID-19 #rambahadurbomjon #newworldorder #nepal #maitri #bsds #bodhimarga #maitreya #pandemic #buddhism #guru

Proves that "forest stay" boasts immunity (Japanese research):

The coronavirus pandemic has serious connection to Ram Bahadur Bomjon's plan for the world. Bomjon is believed by his followers to be in possession of "esoteric power that could possibly render the weapons of the world completely useless". He has also regularly "predicted" a great destruction of the whole world by a "whirlwind" which had just appeared in the midst of humankind, clearly hinting towards himself as an executor of that destruction. In the same time he openly plans to spread his "religion" (based on worshiping his own person as the highest god!) to the whole world, unifying (=deleting!) all particular traditions, borders, cultures, all other religions, all political regimes, and even all languages (replacing them with his new "Maitri Language"!).

The coronavirus pandemic is playing into his cards of an ultimate central control of humanity.

"A great whirlwind had awakened from inside of the midst of humankind. It has now already started to carry away mankind to the path of destruction." Bomjon's speech on 2 August 2007, Halkhoriya.
(at 17.31min.) (SupremeMasterTV YouTube Channel)

"Over lunch, Jas is quite straightforward in his assessment of Palden Dorje. “He is a bodhisattva. In the future, he will be Maitreya, the next Buddha. This is a certainty. I am confident in this because I have witnessed how he mixes peace with power. He can destroy and he can create. I cannot give you all the details at this time because I have been sworn to secrecy with respect to some matters.” He later hinted, however, toward some esoteric power that could possibly render the weapons of the world completely useless." Digital Journal: Op-Ed: The Next Buddha? SPECIAL LISTEN | PRINT, By J Ocean Dennie, Dec 25, 2009 in World,

"But he also considers himself a Parmatma incarnated to rid the world of sufferings. He plans to unite the world through a single Maitri religion, Maitri language and Maitri culture."
State must watch Bomjon closely, Ameet Dhakal/Girish Giri/ Bhanubhakta Kathmandu, April 5, 2017,

Could the coronavirus pandemic be a plan?

See Bill Gates’ Chilling Pandemic Warnings To Trump – Before The Coronavirus Outbreak Hit | MSNBC

What is Event 201:

How the UN’s Agenda 21 Influences Every Aspect of Society

Rosa Koire. UN Agenda 2030 exposed

The United Nation's project Agenda 21 (later Agenda 2030) includes a plan to cancel villages, individual farming, freedom of movement and plans to centralize food production and water. Globalization, centralization, unification of humankind into a monolithic mass, which is easy to overtake by any psychopathic dictator. At one point, even by Ram Bahadur Bomjon claiming (already now!) to be the messiah, Maitreya, Kalki, savior of the world and ultimate leader of the planet...

Truthful and unbiased information about the coronavirus epidemic on China in Focus:


SupremeMasterTV/AJAR (YouTube Channel)

Op-Ed: The Next Buddha?

State must watch Bomjon closely
by Ameet Dhakal/Girish Giri/ Bhanubhakta Kathmandu, April 5

This video is not monetized by the author.

See more:

The Halkhoriya Times

Ram Bahadur Bomjon,Little Buddha,Buddha Boy,Nepal,लितिल्बुद्ध,Yoga,Buddha,meditation,Buddhism,हल्खोरिय,मैत्रिपुज,Maitriya,Halkhoriya,Maitri Puja,Ascetic,Tapasvi,breatharian,enlightened,Bomdžon,jogín,राम बहादुर बोमजन,Sambodhi,Maitri,bsds,Bodhi Shrawan,coronavirus,pandemic,COVID-19,maitridharma,Maitreya,apocalypse,Agenda 21,Event 201,Dharma,pandemia,epidemic,SARS,messiah,Metteya,

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