I usually have this Parkjet Ripping through the Sky!
Today I thought I'd show the Slow Flight Capability of this Parkjet.
Today we are running a 3S LIPO Setup.
I'll make time in the next Flight Session to Test Slow Flight Capability with a 2S LIPO.
Banggood GCRC
The GFS F22 Micro V2 Plans are available for Patrons!
The GFS F22 Micro V1 Plans are available for Subscribers!
Here is a link to the Plans & Docs:
#GroundControlRC #GlueAndFly #ScratchBuildPlanes #F22 #Micro #GFSF22Micro #F22Micro
You Can Help Support Us By Using Our Affiliate Link To The Product Below. A small commission (At No Cost To You) helps us buy more items to review.
Here are links to the components:
Racerstar Racing Edition BR1407 3500KV 2-3S Brushless Motor
Emax ES9251Ⅱ Upgrade Version 2.5g Plastic Micro Digital Servo
Emax Simonk Series 12A 20A 25A 30A 40A ESC For Quadcopter QAV250 - 12A
Gaoneng GNB 11.1V 450mAh 80/160C 3S Lipo Battery XT30 Plug for FPV Racing Drone
Gaoneng GNB 11.1V 550mAh 80/160C 3S Lipo Battery XT30 Plug
iRangeX RM601 2.4G 7CH Micro DSM2 DSMX Compatible Receiver With PPM Output - with pin
GemFan Bull Nose 3545 GRP/Nylon Propellers CW/CCW Set Green (2 pairs)
See you in the Air!
Build, Fly, Crash, Repair, Rinse & Repeat!
Ground Control RC™ Glue & Fly™ Series Scratch-Build Planes
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Ground Control RC™ and "Glue and Fly™" Series Aircraft. All rights reserved. Publication, reproduction or distribution of this Video/Media by any means whatsoever, including but not limited to, electronic transmission via internet or e-mail, re-uploading existing Videos/Media on any other website is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of Ground Control RC. We are not directly affiliated with any of the vendors or manufacturers that may be referenced in our videos. Ground Control RC is not liable for any damage or loss through the use of products or techniques shown in any of our Videos/Media and you do so at your own risk! This Video/Media and all Ground Control RC Videos/Media are intended for entertainment purposes only.