
How should those who are captivated by Jesus live?

How should those who are captivated by Jesus live? I’m sure many of you have been or are captivated by something. Maybe that’s cheerleading, gymnastics, music, working out, playing golf, hunting, fishing, or any number of things. We all are attracted to something. We all have activities that direct our life to a certain extent. Some of us dive in more than others, but I’d bet we all have something we have latched onto.

I’m not saying there is anything wrong with that, if we keep these activities in their proper place. As long as you don’t begin relying on them to provide you with your ultimate hope, joy, satisfaction, and purpose in life, you are ok. But if you begin relying on these activities in that way, you can bet that they will leave you empty and wanting for more. That’s because lifestyle sports aren’t designed to meet our ultimate needs.

There is only One person who is designed to meet our needs and that is Jesus. He’s the resurrection and the life. He is the One who provides ultimate healing and eternal life. He is the only One, then, who we should allow to completely and primarily captive us.

Just like those who are captivated by certain activities live a certain lifestyle, those who are captivated by Jesus should live a certain way too. That is what we are going to talk about this morning, as we seek to answer the question: How should those who are captivated by Jesus live?


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