Email from me titled Basic Explanation:
So in other words you will be my personal broker after you gain knowledge by achieving those investopedia courses by the bundle. The term is "swing trade" my trading account while I am trucking in the USA (and hopefully I can truck in Guyana when time is right but we will see). You are your own entrepreneur and by creating videos of what you earned and certified in while increase your subscribers and students. Achieving those financial courses will help you get qualified as a stock broker for the Guyana exchange and even USA exchange. If you are interested in becoming a broker of logistics then we can arrange that too but one thing at a time because you can make money from home by trading and investing while doing your cooking shows. Perfect combination and if everything goes right while paying you weekly on top of that and we get to the point where you are swing trading my account and the account is making money then we can talk about me either buying a house in Guyana or building one and you living in it as ours. I really would like to live there and so I need residency and someone I can trust and so far after interacting with most Guyanese people in SC and NC and Florida I can trust you all. This is not a quick hurry hurry let's do it but a slow process and having everything in order if you ready to go to the next level then okay lets go and exchange phone numbers and addresses and even meet by me flying in over there or face time whatever. Choice is yours. I'm being real as you are too. Peace.
Email from her:
Hey I forward your message to my big sister and she say it don't sound right so I'm sorry not interested but thank you for watching my video stay blessed and be safe.
Email from me which is final:
Did she check out the investopedia website under the tab academy? She has a cash app where i could deposit the money per week so what is the problem with sounding right when everything is legal? All she doing is taking the courses and earning her certification which will be printed in her name. She said she needs help and want to be an entrepreneur and I am giving that opportunity instead of just giving money. This is basic for any finance and investment and swing trade my account is perfectly legal when i give permission to do so is perfectly legal. Don't understand. Buying a home in Guyana is perfectly legal and her living in my home and she and i contract on paper is perfectly legal. I just cannot be in two places at once and this is what people do everyday and is perfectly legal. Don't understand why it does not sound right. Came across her update based on cooking within my subscription last night before i went to sleep because I am a trucker in the US trucking for a company and if she or you would like to see a face then we can do facetime or whatsapp or i can even take a flight down to Guyana i just have to take leave. Its a win win situation for her and myself. But its okay for me to give her money for no reason at all except she is not working and i am trying to put her to work from home like any trader and single mom. I will never understand this world and the people. But i will unsubscribe since apparently she don't need help and don't believe in God sends people when we truly best need it. I have a sister too and two nieces and we doing great. I have a mother too and a father. We doing good. I am from the countryside myself here in South Carolina. Like i said it is no rush process if she and you want to meet up then we can to see if you and her are real and I myself. Just makes no sense to give money to someone I don't know. Where i am from you work for your money and work to become an entrepreneur and we work together and help one another but I see you all are not like that and that sounds wrong to me also. Yall take care and good luck on your journey.