
The Kettle Bells Whisper 'you can be so much bigger'

The Kettle Bells Whisper 'you can be so much bigger' "You can be so much bigger".....yep....that is what the weights whisper every time I walk by. I tell this to Stacie D all the time, and she whispers back "you can be so much bigger". It is so wild to me how I feel whenever I am lifting weights or taking some kind of a protein supplement.

The story goes a bit like this. When I was just starting high school I was a large person like I am now. I didn't really have a shape, just big. I had some poor self image and low self esteem issues. Being a growing teenager is hard, but that is when I found my tribe. I started spending time with some friends in the school's weight room. It didn't take long for me to fall in love with power lifting.

I was a part of a power lifting team. I didn't compete, but I was involved. I was dedicated to what I was doing, and I put plenty of hours into it. I worked hard, and even coached people that wanted to learn. I continued to lift even as an adult and after I got married.

When I was in my first year out of high school, the school district put in a brand new gym and they let me come back and use it. So I would go in the morning and lift, and then I would go to work. Later, after Stacie D and I were married, I used to go to a sweat box gym.

I learned alot at that gym. It was an old converted house. It had additional supports in the basement, and boards over most of the windows. It smelled like sweat and hard work. The people that were lifting there....they were no joke. I saw some things there that I will never forget.

I have always been in love with the idea of lifting, and lifting heavy. Maybe it is deep in my DNA to be something bigger. When I did a DNA test it came back that I was 89% from Nothern Europe and Ireland. Have you seen those guys compete in strength contests?

So I made the wife a deal for us being on the road. I really want a kettle bell to travel with us, but there is the chance that it wouldn't get used much. After we landed at this house, I found some weights outside and made her a deal. If I actually use what is available to me, then we can talk more about getting kettle bells for the road.

I am just working on taking what I already have and making it more functional. I don't really have any plans to get bigger. I am already 6'5" and 270lbs. Any heavier and I will have to start to worry about breaking the furniture haha. Until then I am walking with the family and doing simple weight exercises. It is hard though, whenever I am doing something that is low weight and high reps.....I see the other weights and I start thinking about ways to get them all involved!

Like I have read on many social media posts about this pandemic, let's not let it go to waste. Some are diving into hobbies, or reading, and some are using the time to get into shape or out of it. I am hoping that when the world opens back up that I will be in a better physical place and able to enjoy this creation more fully!

Be well
~The Yeti

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fitness,wellness,weights,protein,kettle bells,physical,the yeti,freedompoint,innerblocks,inspiration,inspirational,

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