Confidence is taking the lead when your skills and strengths match the requirements of the project.
But, arrogance is wanting to take the lead all of the time without exact skills.
There are also major differences between arrogant and confident people.
A confident person isn’t afraid to admit when they’re wrong, as they are aware of their own flaws and willing to correct and learn from their mistakes. But, an arrogant person will rarely own up to a mistake, as they would rather push the blame onto someone else.
Confident people actively listen others and make time to do so. They show interest in the conversation and take a good decision. On the other hand, an arrogant person won’t take anyone else’s ideas, either by rejecting them or through criticism.
Confident people believe in themselves. They don't compare with others. But arrogant people view themselves as a superior.
confident people are realistic and aware of their potential and abilities--able to accept constructive criticisms. Where arrogant people always recognise what they know is better for other and nobody can tell them anything.
And finally those who are confident they're great and their smiling is natural. Furthermore, who are arrogant use all the time the words "perfect". Though, no one is perfect in the world. Mostly, their smiling is artificial. Ok, now I'm end it in Bengali...
Arrogant মানুষ হচ্ছে যাদের ভিতর সবসময় অহংকার কাজ করে। এবং যারা বলে "এই কাজ একমাত্র আমিই করতে পারবো!"
অন্যদিকে Confidant মানুষরা সবসময় স্বাভাবিক থাকে। এবং এরা বলে, "এই কাজ আমি অবশ্যই করতে পারবো।"
But remember, over confidence is also a sign of arrogance.
So, now the choice is for you. Confidence or arrogance??