
How to Choose What Lumber to Cut from What Log

How to Choose What Lumber to Cut from What Log How to choose what lumber to cut from what log is a question I've considered many times and today I actually sit down and answer it. With a limited size of trees in my woodlot, I'm often forced to pick and choose what gets cut down to be made into lumber. The importance of choosing the right tree to make each particular size of lumber can be seen by the general size of trees I have in my woodlot. There are some larger trees from 10"-20" in diametre but those are not nearly as numerous as I'd like. Thus, when I"m building a project that requires large dimensional lumber or timbers, I need to ensure those large trees are available. To do this, I make sure not to cut small size lumber out of large size trees. It may seem simple but it's easy to fall into the "lazy" trap of cutting small dimensional lumber like 2x4's out of large logs because you can get many 2x4's out of a single large log as compared with out of a smaller diametre log. If you've got an endless supply of large diametre logs I'm envious but for many of you, you're in the same boat as I am. Save the large one's for large lumber and you'll be in good shape. Thanks for watching everyone. Happy "almost" spring for my fellow Central Ontarian's.

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