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This Topic related videosπ
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#howtobeanactor #acting #actingtips #auditionprocess #mukeshchhabra
Learning to act is simply to forget yourself. Leave your ego at the home door, if you will.
To learn to act is to be accepted by others as an actor. Go to auditions. Fail. Go to more.
To learn to act is to rehearse a part. Memorize a classic poem, recite it at parties.
To learn to act is to allow yourself to be directed by others. Join a theatre group in your community. Sweep the floors.
To learn to act is to give and take focus on stage. Work in production with other actors.
To learn to act is to act.
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Youtube channel : THE STRUGGLER π
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Instagram link : The struggler π
Facebook link : Captain Bhavesh π
Facebook page link : The struggler π
My All Video link : π
1 : If You Are Coming In Mumbai For Audition π
2 : Mumbai Aram Nagar Ke Audition π
3 : MCCC Is Back In Aram Nagarπ
4 : Saturday Special Introduction π
5 : Audition In Aram Nagar π
6 : Television Audition Process π
7 : TV Production Audition In Mumbai π
8 : Don't Miss Mukesh Chhabra Audition π