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Men over the years have always been concerned about the size of their penis. A man with a small penis is definitely not happy with his size because he cannot be able to prove his maleness to his woman. If you have a small size, no need to worry about it because this article will show you how to lengthen your penis in 12 easy steps.
In order to achieve result with this enlargement method, you need to be consistent because tissues do not grow overnight. If you do daily body fitness exercise, I will advise you to include this penis enlargement exercise to your daily routine for effective result. These exercises should be performed daily and the weekend should be taken as off in order for the tissues in your penis to change, recover and grow. This process of recovering is what makes your penis to grow.
If you are including the penis enlargement exercise into your body fitness exercise, the penis exercise should be done after your fitness exercise in order to make you be in a warm up state before the enlargement exercise. Although it is still important to perform the warm up exercise first before starting the penis exercise. Warming up is a very important routine in penis enlargement exercise.
To perform a warm up exercise, take a clean hot towel and wrap it around your penis for about three minutes.
The below exercise will not increase the girth of your penis but will only have effect on the length. As a result of this, you can either be in a sitting or standing position to perform it. This exercise should be performed when your penis is in a flaccid state.
1. Make sure your penis is in the flaccid state. Make an OK sign with your index finger and thumb. Grip your flaccid penis at the head with a firm grip, but not hard enough to feel discomfort. Pull out in front of yourself. Pull with enough force to feel a good stretch but without discomfort or pain. Hold this for 30 seconds. Repeat 10 times.
2. Relax and slap your penis against your leg for about 100 times to get the blood flow back into your penis. Take a rest for about one minute.
3. Repeat step 1, but this time you pull to the left. (This one works better when standing).
4. Relax and slap your penis against your leg for about 100 times to get the blood flow back into your penis. Take a rest for about one minute.
5. Repeat step 1, but this time you pull to the right.
6. Relax and slap your penis against your leg for about 100 times to get the blood flow back into your penis. Take a rest for about one minute.
7. Repeat step 1, but this time you pull down. (This also works better when standing).