
LOVE + RELO: Kerwin Guillermo, Global Head of Mobility|Hewlett Packard; Chair-elect, Worldwide ERC

LOVE + RELO: Kerwin Guillermo, Global Head of Mobility|Hewlett Packard; Chair-elect, Worldwide ERC Join us now! Kerwin Guillermo, Head of Global Mobility at Hewlett-Packard and Chairman-elect at Worldwide ERC, discusses achieving relevance through purposeful engagement, innovation and executing faster than the market.

We discuss Kerwin’s HR journey from the Philippines to Singapore, how that connects with his “why,” and talk about fulfilling the “why” of our customers and partners.

We’ll also share examples to prompt fresh ideas, offer some encouraging stories and tell the story of a relatable journey that may inspire your own.

And that’s not all! We’ll discuss how to seek opportunities to do good along the way, because the best journeys include making the world a better place.

AUDIENCE POLL: How are you paying it forward?

Ask questions and leave comments below, so that we can discuss it live!


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