
New Jersey professor responds to backlash after ‘F--- each and every Trump supporter’ comment

New Jersey professor responds to backlash after ‘F--- each and every Trump supporter’ comment New Jersey professor responds to backlash after ‘F--- each and every Trump supporter’ comment
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When it comes to professors and teachers we expect them to be professional and take care of what they say. After all teachers play a big role in influencing and shaping our minds, but they too are citizens of the country and have a right to freedom of speech. So when one professor decides to curse publicly to criticise and blame Trump that African-Americans have been dying of coronavirus there are two diverging schools of thoughts. On the one hand the teacher is expressing her opinion, on the other hand her approach to doing so is unprofessional.

Brittney Cooper, an associate professor in the Department of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies at Rutgers University has openly decide to do exactly that, except she isn’t just blaming Trump, she is blaming his supporters too which may well include some of her students. Her comments on twitter being; . “F--- each and every Trump supporter. You absolutely did this. You are to blame,”

In another Twitter post she wrote “Not only do white conservatives not care about Black life,” she wrote, “but my most cynical negative read of the white supremacists among them is that they welcome this mass winnowing of Black folks in order to slow demographic shifts and shore up political power.”

So now, not only is she blaming Trump supporters but also white people. As a professor, stating this makes you wonder if she applies the same bias towards her own students. Political opinions can be hidden, people can choose to disclose what they want. However the colour of a person’s skin cannot.

Last week, Dr. Anthony Fauci, a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, said during an online interview that high coronavirus death rates among African-Americans were largely attributable to pre-existing health conditions that are common in the black community, such as hypertension, obesity, diabetes and asthma.

"It’s really terrible, because it’s just one of the failings of our society, that African-Americans have a disproportionate prevalence in incidents of the very comorbid conditions that put you at a high risk,” Fauci told actor Will Smith, who conducted the interview.

In a twitter post, Cooper claimed Trump supporters’ loyalty to the president impaired their judgment about the outbreak.

“They are literally willing to die from this clusterf---ed COVID response rather than admit absolutely anybody other than him [Trump] would have been a better president,” she wrote. “And when whiteness has a death wish, we are all in for a serious problem.”

Five days earlier, on April 23, Cooper wrote about “the depths of white depravity,” claiming whites refused “to be swayed by facts, reason or the value of life itself, especially when those lives are Black.”

“It staggers me,” Cooper wrote.

Cooper believes that she has a tenure which would protect her in her role so wont be fired for her tweets.

However, we can’t help but feel her comments are an attack towards the white individuals. A person cannot help what colour of skin they are, in today’s society most individuals probably don’t even register the skin colour as it is the norm that we now live in diverse and multicultural society. Seeing a black person doesn’t make people be presumptive, particularly among the millennial generation which the majority of her class probably is. Perhaps she should re-consider her approach to how she expresses herself and perhaps her inherent bias does not make her fit to be a teacher if she can’t apply fairness irrespective of skin colour.

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