
Kayleigh McEnany Slams The Press For Their 'Lack Of Journalistic Curiosity' About Russiagate Liars

Kayleigh McEnany Slams The Press For Their 'Lack Of Journalistic Curiosity' About Russiagate Liars White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany roasted CNN’s Jim Acosta on Wednesday, who decided he’d speak for the late Dr. Martin Luther King in disapproving of President Trump’s photo-op with a Bible (which was quickly parroted by Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Speaker Nancy Pelosi). She also took a question from the White House Correspondents’ Association’s most hated journalist, OANN’s Chanel Rion, about Rod Rosenstein and the Russian collusion hoax. Here’s how it sounded to Brian Tyler Cohen, formerly of Occupy Democrats: -- Brian Tyler Cohen @briantylercohen: “Kayleigh McEnany, responding to a question by OAN, just called the completely fabricated story of Obama "spying" on Trump the "biggest political scandal we've seen"… 2 days after Trump gassed peaceful protestors for a photo op.”

We’re going to switch that around and put the quotation marks around “The completely fabricated story” and “gassed” and remove them from spying. And yes, it’s a bigger scandal than the U.S. Park Police moving protesters out of the way — without using tear gas or rubber bullets — so the president could get through safely. McEnany scolded the media for their “lack of journalistic curiosity” about Obamagate. We all know they were plenty curious about Russian collusion; they just didn’t have the evidence or the facts. She also got in a dig on Rep. Adam Schiff in particular for his continual claims of having concrete evidence of collusion: -- Benny @bennyjohnson: “.@PressSec slams the press for their “lack of journalistic curiosity” about Russiagate liars.”

More at:
Twitchy: Rep. Adam Schiff and his ‘evidence’ called out by Kayleigh McEnany, who blasts the media for their ‘lack of journalistic curiosity’ over #Obamagate


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