
Puteh Naughty Hercules down form - growing body and tail feathers 08062020

Puteh Naughty Hercules  down form - growing body and tail feathers 08062020 Raymond Wee aka Roadfai
Whatsapp +65-98170815 Facebook -
Email - & - website:
1) LAVA (Super Health Booster - The Elixir Of Birds):
Includes other health supplements:
2) EVO - Solving the problem of lack of sunning song birds
3) Deworm - Medication for killing & removing parasitic worms in birds
4) Molting Food - Ultra high nutrient supplementary food to assist molting and growing of new feathers, skin and neural networks in birds.
Videos - Youtube channel (more than 1000+ videos):
Facebook Forum - Jambul Red Whiskered Bulbul (please request membership):
This is not a free-loader information site. The admin has all rights to edit or remove posts/comments that do not contribute to the benefit of learning or are disruptive. Application for membership is also up to the discretion of the admin. If applicant does not put his/her real profile photograph as profile photo, the admin reserves the right in granting or rejecting membership. Advertisements, trade or exchange of birds and accessories are welcomed but must be done in the light of proper courtesy. Thank you.
Bird food range for birds:
NUMBER 1 (Red Whiskered Bulbul - Jambul) bird food
NUMBER 1 (Oriental White Eye - Mata Puteh) bird food
SUPER NUMBER 1 (Red Whiskered Bulbul - Jambul) bird food
Website for bird food - Number 1


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