
Possible New PS5 Features Leaked. | New Details For PS5 Launch Exclusives. - [LTPS #433]

Possible New PS5 Features Leaked. | New Details For PS5 Launch Exclusives. - [LTPS #433] LINK TO GIVEAWAY:

Here we go! Next month next-gen will be here and we'll have PlayStation 5. And it seems like Sony is finally catching onto their own release date, which is why we learned a lot about some upcoming PS5 exclusives. Notable Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered, which took a lot of the attention. But we also discuss Returnal and Destruction AllStars (somebody should, right?) and well, a lot of other stuff. This is one of our longest shows yet, so tons of news. Like PS5 features potentially leaking! And then other stuff. At this point, it's too much to write down here. Just know that there's PS5 news EVERYWHERE. And a lot of it is happening right above this description.

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0:00 - Intro & Let’s Talk Plus
1:00 - Win A PS5 By Buying Doritos in Europe
1:48 - Neil Druckmann Visits Uncharted Movie Set
2:53 - TLOU Factions Update
4:32 - Spider-Man Remastered Enhancements & Face Swap
10:33 - Destruction AllStars Details
13:16 - Returnal Synopsis & Details
14:56 - PlayStation Studios Pre-Order Bonuses
16:38 - FFXVI Might Be Rated M/PEGI 18
18:12 - Square Enix Chose Gameplay Trailer Over Teaser
19:45 - Yakuza Free PS4 to PS5 Upgrade
20:24 - Save File Transfers Not Guaranteed
22:33 - Travis Scott Has A PS5 Perhaps
23:34 - Company Disassembles A DualSense
24:18 - PS5 Reservation Holders Warned About Late Shipment
26:12 - PS5 Features Hinted At From Web Page Code
29:47 - Series X Benchmarks Excite Possibilities For PS5
32:06 - Let’s Talk Plus
32:31 - Housekeeping

#PS5 #PlayStation5 #LetsTalkPlayStation

PS5,PlayStation 5,PS5 games,PS5 gameplay,PS5 news,PS5 reveal,PlayStation 5 games,PlayStation 5 games gameplay,Controller,DualSense,PS5 5g,PS5 pre order,PlayStation 5 pre order,PlayStation 5 trailer,PS5 price,PS5 vs Xbox Series X,

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