
WasteSorted | Be a GREAT sort!

WasteSorted | Be a GREAT sort! Be a GREAT Sort … Landfill is the last resort!

Your landfill bin is the last place for your waste ... with a bit of waste sorting at home, it could be almost empty each week! There are GREAT Sorts out there who put 60 per cent less into their landfill bin.

In fact, we can all become GREAT Sorts just by remembering …

G is for Gifting things to charity, swapping or selling.

R is for Recycling only these 5 things: Cans, cardboard, paper, glass and plastic (bottles, jars and containers)

E is for Earth-cycling food scraps and garden waste into compost.

A is for Avoiding excess packaging and disposable containers.

T is for Taking batteries, e-waste and chemicals to special drop-off points.


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