6 trillion miles is a distance more or less equal to one light year. That’s how far light — the fastest thing in the Universe — travels in a single year. And that’s not even close to the nearest star apart from the Sun. A human body consists of 37 trillion cells. Each day, you lose from 50 to 70 billion of them, and they always get replaced by other, new ones. The largest known galaxy in the Universe, called IC 1101, consists of about 100 trillion stars. That's really impressive! But what numbers are higher than a trillion? What do you know about quadrillion, quintillion, sextillion, and other absurdly big numbers?
Trillion 0:01
Quadrillion 0:59
Quintillion 1:36
Sextillion 1:56
Septillion 2:49
Octillion 3:16
Nonillion 3:44
Decillion 3:55
Quattuordecillion 4:22
Quindecillion 4:55
Novemdecillion 5:22
Vigintillion 5:36
Unvigintillion 5:52
Trevigintillion 6:26
Quinvigintillion 6:48
A googol 7:06
Googolplex 8:44
Music by Epidemic Sound
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