
Faculty of Science, Stellenbosch University, Dec 2020 graduation ceremony

Faculty of Science, Stellenbosch University, Dec 2020 graduation ceremony [Afrikaans volg onder]
This is the December 2020 graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Science at Stellenbosch University (SU), with undergraduate qualifications being awarded to 446 students – a new record!
“The fact that this ceremony is taking place online does not detract from the pride and joy with which we celebrate the achievements of our students. Congratulations!” says SU Rector and Vice-Chancellor Prof Wim de Villiers.
This ceremony would normally have taken place on campus, but was moved to cyberspace because of COVID-19. None-the-less, this is an official congregation of SU, duly constituted by our Chancellor, in terms of our Statute. He will confer on the graduates who have met the requirements – as certified by the Registrar, and to the satisfaction of the Senate – the degrees, diplomas or certificates they have earned. They will receive their qualifications in absentia.
Look out for your name being scrolled across the screen. We will send you your degree, diploma or certificate to the address we have on file for you. For an official record of qualifications conferred, download the graduation booklet from the SU website,
For enquiries, please contact our Client Services Centre (email:; tel +27 21 808 9111).
“Across our ten faculties, 5 701 students will be receiving a sought-after SU qualification this December – which is simply remarkable, given the difficulties of this year. Well done to all our lecturers, support staff, tutors and students,” says Prof De Villiers.
“In total, we will be awarding 3 409 undergraduate degrees, diplomas and certificates – the most ever in this category. We will also be awarding 1 005 honours degrees, 502 master’s degrees and 138 PhDs. We are very proud of our contribution to the development of our country, our continent and the rest of the world.
“To our new graduates: May you apply what you have learned at Maties to good effect, and may SU's values – excellence, compassion, equity, respect and accountability – remain your guideline.
“Stellenbosch University will always remain your academic home. Please visit our alumni platform,, to stay in touch with your varsity friends, view job offers and find mentors and networking opportunities – all in one place.”

Hierdie video is die Desember 2020-gradeplegtigheid van die Fakulteit Natuurwetenskappe aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US), met voorgraadse kwalifikasies wat aan 446 studente toegeken word – ʼn nuwe rekord!
“Die feit dat hierdie seremonie aanlyn plaasvind, doen geen afbreuk aan die trots en vreugde waarmee ons die prestasies van ons studente vier nie. Baie geluk!" sê prof Wim de Villiers, Rektor en Visekanselier van die US.
Hierdie seremonie sou normaalweg op die kampus plaasgevind het, maar is vanweë COVID-19 na die kuberruim geskuif. Dit is nietemin 'n amptelike kongregasie van die US, wat behoorlik saamgestel is deur ons Kanselier, in terme van ons Statuut. Hy ken kwalifikasies toe aan die gegradueerdes wat aan die vereistes voldoen het – soos deur die Registrateur gesertifiseer, en tot bevrediging van die Senaat. Hulle sal hul kwalifikasies in absentia ontvang.
Wees op die uitkyk vir jou naam op die skerm. Ons stuur jou graad, diploma of sertifikaat na die adres wat ons op rekord vir jou het. Vir 'n amptelike rekord van kwalifikasies, laai die gradeplegtigheidboekie van die US-webwerf af ( en kies Afrikaans bo regs).
Vir navrae, kontak ons Kliëntedienssentrum (e-pos:; tel +27 21 808 9111).
“In ons tien fakulteite ontvang 5 701 studente hierdie Desember 'n gesogte US-kwalifikasie - wat uitsonderlik is, gegewe die probleme van hierdie jaar. Welgedaan aan al ons dosente, ondersteuningspersoneel, tutors en studente,” sê prof De Villiers.
“In totaal sal ons 3 409 voorgraadse grade, diplomas en sertifikate toeken – die meeste ooit in hierdie kategorie. Ons sal ook 1 005 honneursgrade, 502 meestersgrade en 138 PhD's toeken. Ons is baie trots op ons bydrae tot die ontwikkeling van ons land, ons vasteland en die res van die wêreld.
“Aan ons nuwe gegradueerdes: Mag jy wat jy by Maties geleer het met vrug toepas, en mag die US se waardes – uitnemendheid, deernis, billikheid, respek en verantwoordbaarheid – jou rigsnoer bly.
“Die US sal altyd jou akademiese tuiste wees. Besoek gerus ons alumniplatform, om kontak te behou met jou universiteitsvriende, vir werksaanbiedinge en vir mentors en netwerkgeleenthede – alles op een plek.”

Stellenbosch University,Maties,Alumni,Graduation,Virtual,Science,

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