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Story Time Animated 2
“Oh my God! I just got accepted to my dream college!” my older brother Jeffrey screamed. My mom, dad and little sister began clapping and cheering. I just stood in shock and sadness.
“Mom, dad, you both just lost your jobs. How are you guys going to afford that?” I said, snapping everyone back to reality.
The room instantly went quiet.
“She’s right son. I don’t even know how I’m going to continue paying for Ari to attend that special school.” my dad said.
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My little sister Arianne had cerebral palsy and she needed extra care and attention. After my parents both lost their jobs, everything seemed to fall apart. How were we supposed to make ends meet?
“It’s okay guys. I will just continue working at the diner for now. I’ll get to go to college someday.” my brother said softly.
My heart broke for him because I knew he’d excel at college. He was always at the top of his class and I knew that he’d probably make enough money to take care of the whole family when he came back from college.
I sighed and went to sleep.
The next day was Saturday and I’d usually take Ari to the park for some fresh air. I laid a blanket on the grass and took out her favorite snacks and a few little toys. She clapped with excitement. After a while, I noticed Mr. and Mrs. Medland sitting on a bench a few feet away. They were looking at us intently.
Naturally, I was spooked out. The Medlands were the wealthiest people in our very superstitious neighborhood. They lived in the Medland Manor which had been passed down to them by their wealthy ancestors. Although they were rich, no one in town would associate with them. There was a rumor that anyone who went near their manor would disappear. Servants who worked there previously also claimed to hear odd noises and to see strange apparitions at different times of the day. Some had been scared away on their first day of work. Everyone believed the house was haunted and that the entire Medland family had something to do with it.
Suddenly, they got off the bench and walked towards me. I was terrified. What did they want with me?
“Hi Zaria.” said Mrs. Medland.