
Mood Patches Art Session 01

Mood Patches Art Session 01 A few years ago I started a practice of prompting myself to interpret words, moods, and feelings via paint and dubbed these works mood patches! This process can help if you find yourself staring at the blank page, fiddling about, procrastinating, and not starting. The constant restart will help you get better at the activity of starting (somewhere, anywhere) and then allowing whatever you create to bloom on the page.

What on earth is a mood patch? It's a way to convey a mood, feeling, or vibe through color and pattern and mark-making. At this point I've painted perhaps 100 mood patches! These are experiments, explorations, one aspect of my creative practice.

Find more Mood Patches Art Sessions + companion ebook!

In Mood Patches Session 01, you'll watch the first batch|set 6 works and I've added some theoretically witty commentary to keep you company! If this looks like fun, and if the idea resonates, I've pulled together the entire series of art sessions along with a delightful PDF to brighten your day!

The medium I'm using is gouache, and you'll find similar results with watercolor as well, although watercolor is typically more translucent and gouache is typically more opaque and has a few more options with layering of paint.

Thanks for watching!

Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (

daisyyellowart,gouache,watercolor,abstract painting,

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