
Who Is Really 'The Establishment'

Who Is Really 'The Establishment' We often talk about the Establishment in politics. Some say it’s a collection of politicians and party officials. This is not the case. The establishment are the donors. Cenk Uygur, host of the The Young Turks, breaks it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

"Yes, while the race tightens between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) on the left and businessman Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on the right, Clinton and Cruz have both been criticized for their ties to Goldman. This is because the hardships endured by the middle class during the first sixteen years of the 21st century have rightfully made them Wall Street leery. It's an idea that's time has come -- because of Goldman Sachs' documented involvement with the 2008 financial crisis and multiple crises before it, they are at the forefront of this animosity and their involvement with the political process is finally being scrutinized.

The thinking behind this is pretty clearcut -- a candidate who gets donations from a special interest will work for that special interest and not the American people.Sanders continues to hammer Clinton on this issue, not only for the $675,000 she received in speaking fees from Goldman Sachs (a hot $200,000 an hour) but also because the firm has been one of the top campaign donors of her political career.”*

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The Young Turks February 1, 2016 Hour 1

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Who Is Really "The Establishment"

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The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET.

Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. Young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary)


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TYT,The Young Turks,Cenk Uygur,News,Liberal,Progressive,Politics,TYT Network,Establishment,Goldman Sachs,Politicians,Donors,Owners,Corruptions,Bribery,

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