Swami Smaranananda begins the service with a guided meditation, which includes Paramahansa Yogananda’s chant “I Am the Bubble”:
“So do Thou, my Lord,
Thou and I, never apart.
Wave of the sea, dissolve in the sea!
I am the bubble, make me the sea.”
Swami Smaranananda points out that Paramahansa Yogananda (Gurudeva and founder of Yogoda Satsanga Society of India/Self-Realization Fellowship) has explained the science of effective prayer in a beautiful and complete way in his YSS/SRF teachings—showing how to take prayer out of the realm of superstition and blind belief, and apply it as a tangible and practical spiritual power in our daily lives.
Some of the principles for effective prayer that Swami Smaranananda discusses include:
- The importance of having the right concept of God, and the right concept of ourselves.
- When is the best time to pray?
- The importance of keeping the mind positive during prayer.
- Does prayer free us from work and effort?
- Why doesn't God grant all our prayers?
And Swami Smaranananda shares some of the prayers he finds very powerful for when you find yourself going through whatever challenges you face:
- “Lord, change no circumstances of my life. Change me.”
- “Divine Mother, I don't understand why I have to go through this painful experience, but I know, that You know. I will do my best. Give me the strength to go through this experience.”
- “God, Divine Mother, there have been so many gifts and graces and comforts in my life. Compared to all those gifts and comforts, this present difficulty is not much. I will go through this.”
- “God, Divine Mother, I am now going through a difficult phase, but I know that there are many people who are having much worse challenges. I will do my best to go through this experience.”
- “Mother, be with me.”
- “Divine Mother, I know that it's because of some karma, I am having to go through this. I am glad that I am working out some of my karma and get closer to You, by this experience, at this time. Give me the strength, Mother, give me the strength.”
- A saint prayed: "Dear Lord, I ask not for a faith that will move a mountain, but for a faith that will somehow move me."
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In his “how-to-live” teachings, Paramahansa Yogananda has given to people of all cultures, races, and creeds the means to free themselves from physical, mental, and spiritual inharmonies — to create for themselves a life of enduring happiness and all-round success.
Learn more about Yogoda Satsanga Society of India and the path of Kriya Yoga meditation:
If you live in India, Nepal, or Sri Lanka, you can learn the science of Kriya Yoga by applying for the Yogoda Satsanga Lessons in Self-realization, the home-study course in the science of meditation and art of balanced spiritual living established by Paramahansa Yogananda:
Residents of other countries around the world can apply for these same sacred teachings from Self-Realization Fellowship, the international headquarters of Paramahansa Yogananda's spiritual work:
Learn more about Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda’s spiritual classic:
Learn more about effective prayer by reading Yoganandaji’s book “In the Sanctuary of the Soul: A Guide to Effective Prayer”
From YSS’s bookstore:
From SRF’s bookstore:
Read selections of Paramahansa Yogananda’s “how-to-live” wisdom on a variety of topics: