1. Just Start
2. Start with your contacts
3. Team work
4. Get social
5. Be Jack of all
1. Just start -
When I say just start I mean you do not need to be an expert in the field which you want to start freelancing. If you keep thinking that you want to be perfect and only then you would start to take live projects, then you will never be ready. Just take the first project and learn in the process.
2. Start with your contacts -
To get your first live project, first freelancer order, its always better to start of with someone you know. Maybe your relatives or your friends who have their own business might want a website or software or app. You can approach them and the benefit of this is you can experiment more since they are in your contact and they already know you. The risk is less even if you mess your first project or if you delay the timeline.
3. Team work -
I don't even need to explain why you should team up but in short, teamwork will help you get more knowledge from your team members, you will learn a lot more, the project success rate increases and risk and responsibility decreases. Plus you learn to work in team.
4. Get Social -
Getting social will help you reach beyond your contacts and it gives you a platform to showcase your work to the world. Start with a facebook page or instagram page or any social media platform which is free. Later you can have your own porfolio website. Also it makes your work look more professional.
5. Be jack of All -
This is my personal favorite. When I say be jack of all, I mean try out various technologies rather than trying to master 1 particular technology(programming language, framework or anything). When you are beginner, its better to try as many different technologies as possible even if you do not master them all. For example you can try web development then switch to mobile apps or software development and use different technologies in them as well. This will add a wide range of technologies under your skill and then there's less risk if one of the technology becomes outdated
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Related Tags:- tips to start freelancing freelancing tips, how to start freelancing, web development, freelance, software development, freelance, freelancing, how to get project freelancing tips for beginners, freelancing for beginners, how to start freelance work,
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